Introducing the museum


Doan Thi Kiet

Where you are standing here is Son Tra peninsula, where nearly 200 years ago Westerners fired the first shot when invading our country. Now that the war has receded, Son Tra has returned with the appearance of a green fairy located at the end of the river and the beginning of the sea with 3 sides bordering the sea and the other side bordering the urban area. Son Tra is the synthesis of a natural forest ecosystem. The only beach-attached course in Vietnam. The comfort of Son Tra comes from the first moments when we set foot here. The higher we go, the temperature will decrease more or less, making people feel cool and comfortable, dispelling the fatigue of the journey before arriving. This. Because of the sensitivity of the green fairy Son Tra to the weather, Da Nang people have long compared Son Tra to a weather station through folk songs:

In the afternoon, clouds cover Son Tra

Thunder rumbled in Non Nuoc and the sky started to rain.

And also on the Son Tra peninsula, more than 40 years ago, Uncle Doan Huy Giao laid the stones to build the Dong Dinh Museum. Dong Dinh Museum is located upstream of Bai But on Son Tra peninsula, Da Nang city. Before your eyes, these are Dong Dinh trees, a species of tree that grows commonly in Son Tra with medicinal fruits and leaves for shade, and Dong Dinh is the name of the museum. Our museum officially came into operation on January 10, 2011 and the exhibition spaces are built in an arc shape based on the hilly land, with its back leaning against the mountain and facing the sea. The museum was built by Uncle Doan Huy Giao based on the natural terrain here, without destroying the natural landscape but relying on it to form display spaces. The landscape at our Museum is a harmony between the style of midland garden houses in the Quang region with rows of areca nuts, jackfruit trees, and fruit trees, mixed with the style of home gardens of the Central Highlands people, keeping the garden intact and only building houses. and let the plants grow naturally. That harmony embodies the soul of a person from the midland region of Quang Ngai who once lived and worked in the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands, bringing it here in the middle of the mountains and forests of Son Tra. Each display area at our Museum is separated by a garden with cool green trees so that when you finish visiting any space in the museum, step out into the garden to continue the tour you just had. Relaxing time to reflect on what has been learned before moving to another exhibition space.

Located in the middle are two antique houses, which are also two traditional Quang houses, placed in a location with a fruit garden similar to the midland garden houses of Quang. Inside displays a collection of ancient domestic ceramics from the Sa Huynh, Oc Eo, Champa cultural periods and ceramics of Vietnamese feudal dynasties, in addition to Chinese ceramic artifacts from the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties. , Minh, Thanh. To the right of the antiquities house is the Ethnology house with a poetic location, spanning the upstream of the But stream under the primeval forest canopy of the Son Tra peninsula, creating a scene full of "" forest life". For that reason, coming to the Ethnology House of Dong Dinh Museum, we have a real experience of immersing ourselves in the life space of real indigenous people without having to cross thousands of kilometers of dangerous mountains and forests. back and far away. Right here is a space reminiscent of the Central Highlands and rearranged to both retain the original values ​​and infuse it with Contemporary installation art to tell the story that each artifact carries within it. Artifacts of ethnic minorities in the Central and Central Highlands, from musical instruments such as the Chapi and Goong to daily living tools such as machetes, sickles, slings, baskets... are all carefully preserved. carefully, this is the result of more than 15 years of Mr. Doan Huy Giao living and working in the colorful cultural space of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands.

And when you walk towards the left wing of the Museum is the Fishing Village Memory House. If the Ethnology House is located with its back against the mountain above the stream, reminiscent of the mountain and forest space of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands, then the Fishing Village Memory House is located in a position overlooking the sea, as silent as a boat. contains many stories of Nam Tho fishing village waiting for people to listen to their life stories. Stretching along the coast of Da Nang are fishing villages such as Nam O, Thanh Khe, Nai Hien,... Among them is Nam Tho fishing village located with its back against Son Tra mountain at the beginning of the sea, at the end of this river has brought The inspiration for director Doan Huy Giao to create this exhibition space. The entire house is made from pieces of wooden ships, bamboo boats, and baskets, and the house embraces the memories of the Nam village. Tho where the Museum is located. From fishing gear when going out to sea to tools for everyday life in the fishing village, Mr. Doan Huy Giao respectfully preserves it.